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A beginners’ guide to DevOps culture

"What Does a DevOps Engineer Do?, DevOps engineers are responsible for building, testing, and preparing the code changes in an automated manner for the production release

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This week we’ll take a look at all the steps required to become a DevOps engineer, DevOps engineers take on roles that require the supervision of code releases, and they work closely with other professionals, such as software developers and other IT professionals. DevOps engineers need to perform various operations and functions throughout the application lifecycle, right from scratch to end, which involves phases like development, testing, deployment, and operations of the application. They’re expected to be well-versed in complete IT infrastructure management as application development teams in a DevOps model are expected to merge together their operations as opposed to working independently.

There are certain areas concerned with DevOps methodologies that DevOps engineers should have a good grip on, as this can help them find job roles that pay well and have a good scope of progress in terms of career. Some of these operations include-*.

Continuous Integration Integration involves merging code alterations into a central repository. Post such integrations, the codes run the automated tests and builds.

Delivery DevOps engineers are also responsible for building, testing, and preparing the code changes in an automated manner for the production release.

Infrastructure as Code Engineers use specific codes and techniques of software development for the purpose of management and provision of the infrastructure.

Continuous Integration Integration involves merging code alterations into a central repository. Post such integrations, the codes run the automated tests and builds.

Delivery DevOps engineers are also responsible for building, testing, and preparing the code changes in an automated manner for the production release.

Logging and Monitoring One of the most crucial parts of the application development process is monitoring in order to analyze and measure the application and infrastructure metrics, which allows engineers to assess the performance of the codes and how it impacts a product or a service’s user experience.

Collaboration across Teams Having the skills to develop microservices architecture presents DevOps engineers with increased opportunities and better scope for elevated senior DevOps engineer salary in India. This means developing a single application as a microservice, which is a part of a bigger service.

Key Roles of a DevOps Engineer

A DevOps Engineer assumes various roles based on the requirements of an organization. And the DevOps Engineer salary in India also depends on the roles they take up. Following are common roles that DevOps Engineers are hired for.

Project Planning DevOps Engineers are an indispensable part of the project planning for different development projects and operations. They are also trained for risk and impact assessments and costs versus benefits analysis. This helps them plan various aspects of the project based on the needs and resources required for the project.

Product Development This is one of the core areas for DevOps Engineers, which encapsulates development, management, and building IT solutions by installing and configuring these solutions. These professionals also undertake testing, updating, maintaining scripts, and translating technical requirements.

Product Deployment DevOps Engineers make use of the configuration management technology to automate the product deployment process. With this, they deploy upgrades and fix any issues in the production environment.

Performance Management One of the roles of DevOps Engineers involves testing and assessing the performance of the existing applications and platforms, and bringing about changes to enhance the performance of these apps and platforms.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting One of the routine tasks of DevOps Engineers, they maintain and troubleshoot the applications by implementing strategies and techniques to run the maintenance and troubleshooting process in a more efficient manner, which eliminates the requirement to implement maintenance on a regular basis.


Given the high demand, pay scale, and the kind of progress you can make in your professional life when you’re interested in pursuing a career in the Information Technology field, DevOps is a good choice. Well-planned courses, such as Simplilearn’s Post Graduate Program in DevOps are designed to help individuals develop skill sets that help adapt to organizational needs. When you pursue a good course in DevOps, you get to hone your skills as a professional and apply for roles suited for you with confidence.